Nowadays, since business world is full of competitors in every single professional sector, brands are continuously looking for solutions and procedures to make their companies more competitive and productive and, in short, to increase their income.
A huge quantity of data are generated by the majority of companies, who, in many occasions, do not manage to direct nor organise them. Sometimes the problem is to find a suitable tool which allows companies to somehow controlling these data.
However, in this digital age we are, technological innovation is essential to increase business productivity. What brands are mainly searching for is the way to reduce production and fabrication timing, remove some tasks not so necessary in the production process, and incorporate new systems in order to facilitate work.
This fact is possible today if we incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into business. This technology is able to collect, transform and analyse the whole data that a company may generate, and at the same time, to turn them into practical and objective information, leading to an improvement of the decision-making process.
Using artificial intelligence to analyse emotions and human behaviour
What can AI make for the improvement of the decision-making process and therefore increasing business productivity?
Using image recognition and visual attention analysis or ‘eye tracking’, together with the application of cognitive artificial intelligence algorithms, we can know how people behave in a certain place.
Thanks to emotion analysing, companies will be able to predict certain types of behaviour. Using specific systems, it is possible to collect and process the users’ experiences towards a certain service or product, after having studied the emotions caused on them.
The tools we use at Customer Feeling are capable of achieving this goal. We have created an own-developed software that can detect a customer’s exact gaze points, thanks to the images captured by our strategically placed cameras.
Afterwards, the Ai custom algorithms transform these images into information, a process that imitates the human mind behaviour.
Image recognition to increase productivity of the companies within the service sector
Using image recognition, we can measure user visual behaviour in real time and avoiding any intrusive method. It is even possible to analyse his emotions in a specific moment due to his pupil dilation.
With the help of our system, at Customer Feeling we identify users’ behaviour and emotions when they interact with a service or a product, the staff of a company, or with the people who accompany them.
All the obtained information will help us to increase productivity of a company by the adequacy and optimisation of their services and products, and subsequently customer satisfaction, no need to ask him or make him uncomfortable.
Therefore, some information we can obtain is:
- What the best placement of a product in a supermarket or in a shopping centre is.
- Which monument or tourist attraction brings more visitors to a tourist destination.
- The images that are more attracting in the stand of a trade fair or in a congress.
- Which hotel room is the nicest or the favourite one for each customer.
Summing up, if we apply the image recognition of this artificial intelligence software, a large amount of data can be automatically processed, without recording anything, and transformed into useful and suitable information for the decision-making process of any company.